European Perspectives on Teaching, Education and Training for Dependable Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems
The paper provides a short introduction to the European perspectives on the role of teaching, education and training in context of achieving a sustainable innovation eco-system as e.g. the European Technology Platform ARTEMIS is aiming at. Studies and examples from different European projects are discussed, including the ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda and Multi-annual Strategic Plan and the ARTEMIS Working Group on Education and Training, the ideas of three ARTEMIS projects (R3-COP, MBAT and SafeCer) to deliver supporting training material to promote more widespread use of the outcomes of the projects, the study (report) performed within the FP6 European Integrated Project DECOS, and experiences with the European Master in Embedded Computing Systems (EMECS).
[1] Leire Etxeberria Elorza,et al. Reuse in Safety Critical Systems: Educational Use Case , 2013, EUROMICRO-SEAA.
[2] Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components , 2011 .