Health Care Economics
Preface. Detailed Contents. List of Figures. List of Tables. 1. An Introduction to the Economics of Medical Care. Appendix: Review of Demand, Supply, Equilibrium Price, Price Elasticity, and Competitive and Monopoly Analysis. 2. The Role of Government in Health and Medical Care. 3. Health Policy and the Legislative Marketplace. 4. The Production of Health: The Impact of Medical Services on Health. Appendix: Cost-Benefit, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Utility Analyses. 5. An Overview of the Medical Care Sector. 6. The Demand for Medical Care. Appendix: The Effect of Coinsurance on the Demand for Medical Care. 7. The Demand for Health Insurance. Appendix 1: Risk Neutral and Risk Seeking Behavior. Appendix 2: The Effect on the Insurance Premium of Extending Coverage to Include Additional Benefits. 8. The Supply of Medical Care: An Overview. 9. Market Competition in Medical Care. 10. The Market for Health Insurance: Its Performance and Structure. Appendix 1: The Use of Medical Loss Ratios as a Measure of Health Plan Performance. Appendix 2: Developing Risk-Adjusted Premiums. 11. The Physician Services Market. Appendix: How Medicare Pays Physicians. 12. The Market for Hospital Services. Appendix 1: Using a Physician Control Model to Increase Physician Productivity. Appendix 2: Cost Shifting. 13. The Pharmaceutical Industry. 14. Health Manpower Shortages and Surpluses: Definitions, Measurement, and Policies. 15. The Market for Physician Manpower. 16. The Market for Medical Education: Equity and Efficiency. 17. The Market for Registered Nurses. Appendix: Market Structure and Nurse Wages and Employment. 18. National Health Insurance: An Approach to the Redistribution of Medical Care. 19. Concluding Comments on the Economics of Medical Care. Appendix: Measuring Changes in the Price of Medical Care. Appendix: Health Insurance Premiums as a Measure of the Price of Medical Care. Glossary.