This note addresses the problem of learning DNF expressions using membership queries. We extend the results of Kushilevitz and Mansour [5], on learning through Fourier representations, to show learnability of various subsets of DNF. In particular we show the polynomial learnability of Disjoint DNF expressions under the uniform distribution, and exact learnability of Disjoint logn DNF. These extend the learnability results of the corresponding classes of decision trees given in [5]. We further show the learnability of log n term DNF under the uniform distribution. The learnability of this class (even for the distribution free case) is already known [2], but the algorithm and analysis given here are di erent. The learning framework and algorithm are the same as in [5]. The main contribution of this note is a di erent analysis of the Fourier spectrum of these function classes. This enables us to show the learnability of wider classes and with somewhat simpli ed proofs.
Eyal Kushilevitz,et al.
Learning Decision Trees Using the Fourier Sprectrum (Extended Abstract)
Symposium on the Theory of Computing.
Leonard Pitt,et al.
Exact learning of read-k disjoint DNF and not-so-disjoint DNF
COLT '92.
Karsten A. Verbeurgt.
Learning DNF under the uniform distribution in quasi-polynomial time
COLT '90.
Nader H. Bshouty,et al.
Exact learning via the Monotone theory
Proceedings of 1993 IEEE 34th Annual Foundations of Computer Science.
Avrim Blum,et al.
Fast learning of k-term DNF formulas with queries
STOC '92.