Hubungan antara Obesitas, Konsumsi Tinggi Purin, dan Pengobatan terhadap Kadar Asam Urat dengan Penggunaan Allopurinol pada Pasien Hiperurisemia

Hiperurisemia adalah kondisi ketika kadar asam urat dalam darah melebihi nilai normal. Terdapat banyak faktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan kadar asam urat, seperti obesitas, konsumsi tinggi purin, dan pengobatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara obesitas, konsumsi tinggi purin, dan pengobatan terhadap kadar asam urat dengan penggunaan allopurinol pada pasien hiperurisemia. Data diperoleh melalui rekam medis dan kuesioner dari RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar, Malang, dan dengan studi potong melintang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan selama satu bulan (April–Mei 2014). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan diuji hipotesis. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 45 pasien hiperurisemia yang memperoleh allopurinol sebagai terapinya selama satu bulan dan pasien dipilih dengan metode pengambilan sampel konsekutif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan komparasi yang bermakna secara statistik antara kadar asam urat terhadap obesitas (0,193), konsumsi tinggi purin yaitu makanan laut (0,420), daging (0,469), jerohan (0,054), dan polong-polongan (0,398) juga pengobatan yaitu furosemid (0,631), aspirin dosis rendah (0,773), hidroklorotiazid (0,216), dan spironolakton (0,246). Selain itu, tidak pula terdapat korelasi yang bermakna secara statistik antara kadar asam urat terhadap obesitas (0,197), konsumsi tinggi purin yaitu makanan laut (0,426), daging (0,476), jerohan (0,053), dan polong-polongan (0,404) juga pengobatan yaitu furosemid (0,637), aspirin dosis rendah (0,776), hidroklorotiazid (0,220), dan spironolakton (0,250). Kata kunci: Allopurinol, asam urat, penghambat xantin oksidase Associations between Obesity, High Purine Consumptions, and Medications on Uric Acid Level with the Use of Allopurinol in Hyperuricemia Patients Hyperuricemia is a condition when the blood uric acid level exceeds the normal amount. There are many factors that can increase the uric acid level, such as obesity, high purine consumptions, and medications. The aim of this study was to determine the associations between obesity, high purine consumptions, and medications on uric acid level with the use of allopurinol in hyperuricemia patients. Data were collected through medical records and questionnaires from General Hospital of Dr. Saiful Anwar, Malang, and delivered within a cross-sectional study. Sampling was conducted for one month (April–May 2014). Data were analyzed descriptively and tested hypothetically. The samples of this study were 45 hyperuricemia patients who had gotten allopurinol as their therapy for a month and they were choosen by the consecutive sampling method. The results of this study showed that there were no statistically significant comparative association between uric acid level on obesity (0.193), high purine consumptions i.e. seafoods (0.420), meats (0.469), organ meats (0.054), and pods (0.398) also medications i.e. furosemide (0.631), low dose aspirin (0.773), hydrochlorotiazide (0.216), and spironolactone (0.246). In particular, there were no statistically significant correlations between uric acid level on obesity (0.197), high purine consumptions i.e. seafoods (0.426), meats (0.476), organ meats (0.053), and pods (0.404) also medicines i.e. furosemide (0.637), low dose aspirin (0.776), hydrochlorotiazide (0.220), and spironolactone (0.250). Keywords: Allopurinol, uric acid, xanthin oxidase inhibitor