Tephra anchored floating varve chronology covering ca. 19.0-11.0 ka BP in new core from Lake Lago Grande di Monticchio: preliminary results

The high-resolution Monticchio (MON) sediment record has been demonstrated to be a key archive for reconstructing climate and environmental changes in the central Mediterranean for the last glacial-interglacial cycle. New sediment cores have been retrieved in April 2016 to investigate particularly the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum into the Holocene with a new highresolution methodological approach. A floating varve chronology spanning ca. 8,000 years has been established by varve counting on thin sections using a petrographic microscope and layer thickness based sedimentation rate estimates for nonor poorly varved intervals. Varve counting is based on detailed seasonal deposition models of five different varve types. The resulting floating chronology consist of 66.6% individually counted varves and 33.4% interpolated years. The uncertainty estimate of the floating chronology has been determined by double counting and amounts to ±5.8%.