The Spectral Response of Hand-Arm System

Recently we have used better solution to protect hand tool operators. In spite of our good intentions there is still endanger on high level vibration. For that reason we need to improve protection constantly. One of the most important properties of hand–arm system is knowledge about spectral response. In this article we try to obtain spectral response in narrow band-pass filters in accordance with IEC 1260:1995 and ANSI S1.11-2004 standards (implemented in LabVIEW software). To measure signals we used accelerometer placed on a wrist and on a tool. Of course the vibrations are attenuated by hand (cartilage, muscular tissue) but the question was what the shape of envelope in measurement range is. Our research used measurement on two different systems. The one was based on vibration inductor (laboratory environment), the second one used drill (real environment). This research is a part of a wider project to make virtual model of hand–arm system.