The purpose of this study is to develop geological field sites for open ended education and inquiry learning, and to find the influence of field study on the affective domain in science and the achievement. As for the field sites, we used the areas ranging from Chaeseokgang- of Kyeokpo, in Buan, to around Bangsanje from Naejang-dong in Jeongeup to Ssangchi-myun in Sunchang-kun, Jeolla North Province. The affective domain in science is composed of three parts-cognition of science, interests toward science, and the scientific attitudes. to evaluate the stage of the achievement, we used questionnaire composed by 25 items. While the control group does not show any change in three parts of the affective domain, the experimental group shows positive changes, from 2.44 to 2.37 (cognition of science), from 3.15 to 3.08 (interests toward science), and from 2.91 to 2.74 (scientific attitudes) on Likert Scale. Also the score arranged by the analysis of covariate shows that the experimental group is more positive than the control group by 0.12 point in cognition of science, by 0.15 point in interests toward science, and by 0.23 point in scientific attitudes. In terms of the stage of achievement, the score of the experimental group, which is arranged by analysis of covariate, is 7.68 higher than that of the control group, on maximum of 100.