Imaging in oral cancers: A comprehensive review

This review aims at simplifying the relevant imaging anatomy, guiding the optimal imaging method and highlighting the key imaging findings that influence prognosis and management of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Early OSCC can be treated with either surgery alone while advanced cancers are treated with a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Considering the complex anatomy of the oral cavity and its surrounding structures, imaging plays an indispensable role not only in locoregional staging but also in the distant metastatic work-up and post treatment follow-up. Knowledge of the anatomy with understanding of common routes of spread of cancer, allows the radiologist to accurately determine disease extent and augment clinical findings to plan appropriate therapy. This review aims at simplifying the relevant imaging anatomy, guiding the optimal imaging method and highlighting the key imaging findings that influence prognosis and management.

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