Alternative Construction: Contemporary Natural Building Methods
DESIGN PRINCIPLES. A New Context for Building Codes and Regulation (D. Eisenberg). Natural Conditioning of Buildings (K. Haggard, et al.). Structural Properties of Alternative Building Materials (B. King). SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS. Adobe (M. Moquin). Cob (M. Smith). Rammed Earth (D. Easton). Modular Contained Earth (J. Kennedy, et al.). Light Clay (R. Laporte & F. Andresen). Straw-Bale (K. Lerner, et al.). Bamboo (D. DeBoer & K. Bareis). Earthen Finishes (C. Crews, et al.). APPLICATIONS. Integrated Systems with Rammed Earth (M. Webster-Mannison). Straw, Clay, and Carrizo (B. Steen & A. Steen). Light-Clay House Additions (L. Host-Jablonski). Variations on Earthbag (K. Hunter, et al.). The Value of Indigenous Ways (C. Nelson). Building Technology Transfer (K. Lerner, et al.). Epilogue: Finding the Soul of Natural Building (T. Bender). Appendices. About the Contributors. Index.