Reliability updating of welded joints damaged by fatigue

Abstract The paper introduces a probability-based fatigue assessment model for welded joints in steel bridges. The approach is based on a modelization of the fatigue phenomenon issued from the principles of fracture mechanics theory. The safety margin includes the crack growth propagation and allows us to treat fatigue damage in a general manner. Damaging cycles and non-damaging cycles are distinguished. The reliability calculus is performed by a FORM technique. The sensitivity study of the different parameters shows that some variables can be taken as deterministic. Applications are made on a welded joint ‘bottom plate/stiffener’ of a typical steel bridge. The model is then used for taking into account inspection results. A sensitivity analysis of different non-destructive inspection (NDI) methods is carried out for measuring their uncertainty levels. The different types of inspection results (no detection, detection with no measurement, detection with measurement) are analysed and a general methodology for updating reliability levels is given. The results show their ability to be inserted in a maintenance strategy for optimizing the next inspection time, the need to repair or to replace the joint, and, the eventual possibility of no action.