증기발생기의 주기적 비파괴검사 자료와 유효POD를 이용한 물리적 결함수의 추정

It is necessary to know the number of flaws and their size distribution in order to calculate the probability of failure or to estimate the amount of leakage through the tube wall of steam generators. But in-service inspection (ISI) flaw data is different from the physical flaw data. In case of a single inspection, it is easy to estimate the number of physical flaws using the POD curve. However, we may be faced with some difficulties in obtaining the number of physical flaws from the periodic in-service inspection data. In this study a method for estimating the number of physical flaws from periodic in-service inspection data is proposed. In order to calculate the number of physical flaws with periodic ISI data, both probabilities of detecting and missing flaws should be considered. And flaw initiation and growth history must be known also. The flaw initiation and growth history can be inferred from appropriate probabilistic flaw growth rate. Two inference methods are proposed and compared. One is Monte Carlo simulation method and the other is transition (stochastic) matrix method. The effective POD, the total possibility of detection considering both probabilities of detecting and missing flaws for each flaw size, can be calculated using above two inference methods. And two methods are compared and the usefulness and convenience are evaluated from several applications.