How Many Grapes went into the Wine: Stafford Beer on the Art and Science of Holistic Management
Partial table of contents: Holism and the Frou-Frou Slander. BEGINNINGS: INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATION OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH TO TANGIBLE PROBLEMS. A Technique for Standardizing Massed Batteries of Control Charts. The Mechanical Simulation of Stochastic Flow. The Impact of Cybernetics on the Concept of Industrial Organization. CYBERNETICS: A NEW WORLD VIEW. The World, the Flesh and the Metal: 1964 Stephenson Lecture. Towards the Cybernetic Factory. COMPLEXITY IN HUMAN AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS. Cybernetics of National Development: The Zaheer Foundation Lecture, New Delhi, India. Death Is Equifinal: Eighth Annual Ludwig von Bertalanffy Memorial Lecture. Indexes.