Miconazole, a New Broad‐spectrum Antimycotic, in the Treatment of Vaginal Candidosis

Introduction Miconazole" is a synthetic I-phenethyl-imidazole (Fig. 1) possessing highly potent and broad-spectrum antifungal and antibacterial activity (1,2). In vitro, i t is a t least as effective as tolnaftate against dermatophytes, as effective as nystatin against yeasts, and as effective as sodium-benzyl-penicillin against gram-positive bacilli and cocci (2). I t is ineffective against gram-negative bacteria. In the clinic, miconazole has proved effective in the topical treatment of chronic tinea pedis and onychomycosis (3, 4); and it is not absorbed when administered topically or iiitravaginally (5). This paper reports the first trial of the new compound against vaginal candidosis.""