A crystallographic determination of a chemical structure: 6-amino-10-(beta-D-ribofuranosylamino)pyrimido-[5,4-d]pyrimidine, an example of an unusual D-ribose conformation.

The crystal and molecular structure of 6-amino-10-(beta-D-ribofuranosylamino)-pyrimido[5,4-d]pyrimidine has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are triclinic, of noncentric space group Pl, with cell dimensions a equals 5.434 (5), b equals 12.269 (19), c equals 4.574 (4) A, alpha equals 92.3 (1), beta equals 94.0 (1), gamma equals 95.3 degrees (1) and Z equals 1. The structure has been refined to an R value of 0.049 (Rw equals 0.063), by use of counter measured intensity data for 1063 observed reflections. The pyrimidopyrimidine ring is planar. The sugar moiety is in the envelope conformation with O-1'-endo (0E), and there is an intramolecular hydrogen bond (2.58 A) (O-3'-H-O3'...O-2'). All oxygen atoms except O-1' ring oxygen-atom are involved in hydrogen bonding. The pyrimidopyrimidine rings lie in planes 3.4 A apart.