In this study a CFD simulation of a horizontal heater rods test (CS28-2) has been performed with the CFX-10 code and it has been compared with an experiment in order to develop a post-blowdown modeling of a CANDU fuel channel during a large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA). The CS28-2 experiment is one of three series of experiments to simulate the fuel channel at a high temperature and a low steam flow rate which may occur in severe accident conditions such as a LBLOCA of CANDU reactors. Since radiation heat transfer is dominant in the CS28-2 experiment, a benchmark problem of radiation heat transfer for the same geometry as the CS28-2 is carried out first to assess the radiation model by CFX-10, to confirm whether CFX-10 can be applied to a complex fuel geometry or not. And, the CFD study of the CS28-2 has been performed with the aim to simulate the steady-state condition of the CS28-2. These steady-state calculation results will be used for the initial conditions of the transient simulation.
M. Ozisik.
Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach
B. N. Hanna,et al.
CATHENA: A thermalhydraulic code for CANDU analysis
P. S. Cumber,et al.
Improvements to the discrete transfer method of calculating radiative heat transfer
F. Lockwood,et al.
A new radiation solution method for incorporation in general combustion prediction procedures
Bo Wook Rhee,et al.
Benchmark Calculations of a Radiation Heat Transfer for a CANDU Fuel Channel Analysis using the CFD Code
The Atomic Energy of Canada Limited