Developmental rate as a function of temperature in northern corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Development of immature northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence, was studied at 7 constant temperatures ranging from 15 to 31.5°C. Development occurred at all temperatures, however, survival was lowest at 15 and 31.5°C for both males and females. The proportion of time spent in each life stage from hatch to adult emergence was independent of sex and ≈15% for 1st instars, 18% for 2nd instars, 41% for 3rd instars, and 25% for the pupal stage. Developmental times, from hatch to adult emergence, between males and females were substantially different. A developmental threshold of 10.2°C was estimated for development from hatch to adult emergence. Development from hatch to adult emergence was fastest at 30°C, taking ≈28 d, and slowest at 15°C taking 98 d.