Innovation Born in Isolation: Rapid Transformation of an In-Person Medical Student Radiology Elective to a Remote Learning Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Rationale and Objectives With social distancing measures in place both nationally and globally, the current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of in-person classes at universities and medical schools across the country. This has presented unique challenges for educators in all fields as they have embarked, many for the first time, on the journey into remote education in order to provide distance learning opportunities for students. Materials and Methods In this article we will review our approach to rapidly converting an in-person diagnostic radiology elective to an entirely remote learning experience for medical students at our institution, including modification of course structure, software tools and materials utilized, and strategies for learner engagement and collaboration. Results Development of an online elective led to a 10-fold increase in student enrollment compared to the traditional course offering, providing a unique opportunity to reach a broad number of students, many of whom were in the early clinical stages of their medical school career. Lastly, we will review faculty feedback after participating in the remote course as well as lessons learned from the transition to distance learning and its implications for future work Conclusion The current state of technology makes radiology particularly well-suited for distance learning, and with the proper tools and approaches, effective remote radiology instruction can be achieved.