Modélisation thermo-élasto-viscoplastique du comportement de l'acier inoxydable 304L - Applications à l'usinage grande vitesse

generaliste LS-Dyna © , des simulations des procedes sont menees et compa rees avec des essais experimentaux en fraisage. Cette comparaison amene alors a la correlation et a l'identification du comportement par une boucle d'optimisation entre si mulations et resultats experimentaux. Abstract : High Speed Machining has become one of the most use d processes in macro and micro mechanical manufacturing. The understanding of the physical ph enomena and the identification of material behaviour in machining are the main issues for the industrial process optimization. Some analytical models and FEM models are available in the literatu re. To improve the models predictive capacities, on e needs to characterize the material behaviour which is involved in the machining process. So a 304L stainless steel behaviour law based on the thermody namic of non-reversible processes is proposed in th is article. Then, after discretization and implementat ion of the law in LS-Dyna © FEM code, machining processes are simulated and compared with the milli ng experimental tests realised in the laboratory. T his comparison leads to behaviour identification throug h an optimisation loop between simulations and experimental results.