Digitization, Digital Technology, and Importance of Digital Technology in Teaching

This study focuses on digitization in the education process and on the importance of using digital technologies in the teaching process. The introduction sketches out the need of leading young people towards developing their digital competences and digital as well as information literacy. The teaching process should lead towards gaining key and practically oriented knowledge and skills according to Industry 4.0. The importance of the role of the teacher in the education process is stressed who is a managing adviser influencing the effectiveness of the education process. The first chapter is dedicated to digital literacy and other literacies and connected terminology. The next chapter focuses on case studies and evaluating the opinions of students on the importance of using digital technologies during class. The results were gathered via a questionnaire survey. The objective is to point out specifics of the education process. Gathered data can be valuable and inspirational for the decision-making process when planning and preparing teachers for the education process. The conclusion of the entry stresses the importance of innovative study programs and introducing new study programs, which focus on supporting the development of digital literacy and working with digital technologies.