Design and Instrumentation of the Structural Pavement Experiment at the NCAT Test Track

A structural experiment at the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) test track was warranted to advance mechanistic-empirically based (M-E) design and analysis. The objectives of the structural experiment at the NCAT test track are as follows: 1. Validate mechanistic pavement models. 2. Develop transfer functions for typical asphalt mixtures and pavement cross-sections. 3. Study dynamic effects on pavement deterioration from a mechanistic viewpoint. 4. Evaluate the effect of thickness and polymer modification on structural performance. To accomplish the objectives enumerated above, eight pavement sections were constructed at the NCAT test track. These sections varied in thickness and material composition. Additionally, each of the sections was instrumented to monitor in situ asphalt strain, compressive stresses in the unbound layers, moisture, and temperature. Throughout the course of the experiment, data will be gathered both in a slow speed manner (i.e., hourly averages) in addition to a high-speed dynamic manner (i.e., 5 kHz) under normal operating speeds. Additionally, routine deflection testing and surface condition surveys will be conducted. These data will serve as the basis of accomplishing the project objectives. This report was written after construction of the test sections, but prior to the sections being fully opened to traffic. It is meant to detail the structural testing plan, instrumentation selection, instrumentation installation and some preliminary analyses that were conducted prior to trafficking.