Studies Of An Injection-Controlled XeF(C->A) Laser

The XeF(C->A) excimer laser is an efficient, scalable gas laser that is tunable throughout the blue-green region of the spectrum. Recent wavelength tuning experiments will be reported using a long pulse quasi CW dye laser as an injection source. Also the effect of electron-beam energy deposition on laser performance will be discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION The electrically excited XeF (C->A) excimer laser is wavelength controllable by injection techniques and has the potential for a relatively high intrinsic efficiency [1],[2]. Using a coaxial flash lamp pumped dye laser as the injection source, amplified output pulses tunable between 470 and 500 nm and having a spectral width of 0.6 nm were obtained. It was found that previously reported electron-beam induced transient absorptions appear to be saturable through the use of an intense injection laser pulse [3].