Study the Effect of Ipomea carnea Jacq. Patra swarasa (Leaves Juice) in Treatment of Indralupta (Alopecia Areata): A Pilot Study

Introduction: Hair and skin disease create negative impact on individuals. Although such diseases doesn’t have any life threatening effects like systemic diseases still have much more importance as the cosmetic issue concern. Indralupta is a rare entity found in both male, and female at any age which can be correlated with Alopecia areata. There are many treatment modalities are available for the Indralupta (Alopecia areata) but application of leaf juice of Ipomoea carnia is simple and cost effective treatment. Aim &Objective: Study the effect of Ipomea carnea Jacq. patra swarasa (leaves juice) in management of Indralupta (Alopecia Areata). To study the adverse effects of Ipomea carnia leaf juice local application if noted during study. Methodology: Fresh leaf juice will be extracted from clean leaf of Ipomea carnia and apply over the spot where hairs are lost for 15 days at morning before bath. 10 objects will be selected from kaychikitsa OPD randomly and consider for study after their willingness and consent. Outcomes will be assessed with the help of different criteria according to hair texture, Hair fall and scalp area examination. Result: Result will be observed according to criteria and Wilcoxon signed rank test will be a applied. Conclusion: Ipomea carnea will be effective in Indralupta(Alopecia areata).