Research on Skin Cancer Cell Detection Using Image Processing
[1] R. Suganya,et al. An automated computer aided diagnosis of skin lesions detection and classification for dermoscopy images , 2016, 2016 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT).
[2] Maen Takruri,et al. Automatic non-invasive recognition of melanoma using Support Vector Machines , 2016, 2016 International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART).
[3] H. R. Mhaske,et al. Melanoma skin cancer detection and classification based on supervised and unsupervised learning , 2013, 2013 International conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications (CCUBE).
[4] Rana Hammad Raza,et al. Automatic Lesion Detection System (ALDS) for Skin Cancer Classification Using SVM and Neural Classifiers , 2016, 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE).
[5] Y. K. Jain,et al. Skin cancer detection and classification using wavelet transform and probabilistic neural network , 2012 .
[6] Mohammad H. Jafari,et al. Set of descriptors for skin cancer diagnosis using non-dermoscopic color images , 2016, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
[7] R.N. Khushaba,et al. A Novel Hybrid System for Skin Lesion Detection , 2007, 2007 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information.
[8] M. N. Giriprasad,et al. Detection of melanoma using distinct features , 2016, 2016 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC).
[9] R. S. Shiyam Sundar,et al. Performance analysis of melanoma early detection using skin lession classification system , 2016, 2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT).
[10] Adel Al-Jumaily,et al. Automatically Early Detection of Skin Cancer: Study Based on Nueral Netwok Classification , 2009, 2009 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition.