Tests of Hypotheses in Overdispersed Poisson Regression and other Quasi-Likelihood Models

Abstract Test statistics for evaluating the significance of added variables in a regression equation are developed for mixed Poisson models, where the structural parameter φ that determines the mean/variance relationship var(μ; φ) = μ + φ · μ 2 is estimated by the method of moments and the regression coefficients are estimated by quasi-likelihood. The formulas presented for test statistics and related estimating equations are applicable generally to quasi-likelihood models specified by an arbitrary mean value function μ(x; β), together with a variance function V(μ; φ) that contains one or more unknown parameters. Two versions of the Wald and score tests are investigated—one calculated from the usual model-based covariance matrix whose validity depends on correct specification of the variance function, and another using an “empirical” covariance matrix that has a more general asymptotic justification. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the quasi-likelihood/method of moments (QL/M) procedures yield ap...

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