Two Approaches for the Resolution of a Resources System Selection Problem for Distributed/Agile/Virtual Enterprises – A Contribution to the Broker Performance

Abstract In the ambit of Distribute/Agile/Virtual Enterprises, the resources/partners selection process is a critical issue in order to guarantee the success of such enterprises. The selection process is complex in the large sense of the word and for that we advocate the necessity of a broker to perform that task, conveniently assisted by a tool. In order to contribute to its construction, this paper presents the resolution of a resources system selection problem, designated by Dependent or Integral Selection Method without Pre-selection of Transport Resources, with two algorithms, an exact solution algorithm and an approximate one. The results demonstrate that the exact solution algorithm limitations can be covered by the approximate algorithm. With those results, the broker has the knowledge to perform the selection with the most adequate algorithm for each case of the problem (depending of the number of tasks and pre-selected resources) addressed in this paper. This paper brings a contribution to broker performance for the selection process.