내부센서와 외부센서를 이용한 수중로봇 위치추정

This paper proposes Monte Carlo Localization (MCL) method for localization of an underwater robot. MCL method has been usually utilized for localization of mobile robot on the ground. This method deals with uncertainty of the robot motion and uncertainty of sensors. For localization of an underwater robot, a lot of previous methods use triangulation or trilateration based on the range data from beacons whose locations are known. The MCL method estimates pose of a robot fusing internal sensors and external sensors. Using the orientation and velocity information from internal sensors, a priori position of an underwater robot is estimated. Then, a posterior position of the robot is corrected using the distance between the robot and the beacons. In this paper, the performance of the proposed method is verified through a simulation program which considers uncertainty of robot motion and sensor output.