Reporting Observational Studies of the Use of Information Technology in the Clinical Consultation. A Position Statement from the International Medical Informatics Association Primary Care Informatics Working Group (IMIA PCI WG)

Objectives: To develop a classification system to improve the reporting of observational studies of the use of information technology (IT) in clinical consultations. Methods: Literature review, workshops, and development of a position statement. We grouped the important aspects for consistent reporting into a “faceted classification”; the components relevant to a particular study to be used independently. Results: The eight facets of our classification are: Theoretical and methodological approach: e.g. dramaturgical, cognitive; Data collection: Type and method of observation; Room layout and environment: How this affects interaction between clinician, patient and computer. Initiation and Interaction: Who starts the consultation, and how the participants interact; Information and knowledge utilisation: What sources of information or decision support are used or provided; Timing and type of consultation variables: Standard descriptors that can be used to allow comparison of duration and description of continuous activities (e.g. speech, eye contact) and episodic ones, such as prescribing; Post-consultation impact measures: Satisfaction surveys and health economic assessment based on the perceived quality of the clinician-patient interaction; and Data capture, storage, and export formats: How to archive and curate data to facilitate further analysis. Conclusions: Adoption of this classification should make it easier to interpret research findings and facilitate the synthesis of evidence across studies. Those engaged in IT-consultation research shouldconsider adopting this reporting guide.

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