Promote Self-efficacy in Learning of Mobile App and Security with real-world Relevant Laboratory (Abstract Only)

In this paper we present an innovative authentic learning approach of mobile security through real-world-scenario case studies. in computing field. The primary goal of this learning approach is to create an engagement and motivating learning environment that encourages all students in learning emerging technologies such as mobile software developments and its security concepts and practices. This approach provides students with hands-on laboratory practices on real-world mobile app developments and security. The laboratory consists of multiple modules covering Mobile App development, mobile security on cryptography, secure programming, network, database, Web app, mobile malware and spyware analysis. Each topic consists of a series of progressive sub-labs: a pre-lab, lab activities, and a student add-on post-lab. The preliminary feedback from students is positive. Students have gained hands-on real world experiences on mobile security with Android mobile devices, which also greatly promoted students' self-efficacy and confidences in their mobile security learning.