Performance Characterization of the TRW 95 K High Efficiency Cryocooler
This paper presents results from characterization studies performed on the Northrop Grumman Space Technology, formerly TRW, 95 K High Efficiency Cryocooler at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Cryogenic Technology Research Facility. This pulse tube cryocooler unit is capable of lifting 10 W heat loads at 95 K, and has demonstrated the highest efficiency performance at this temperature range for space cryocoolers characterized at AFRL. Physical characteristics of the test setup for the cooler are described in the paper. Results are presented for the cryocooler over a wide range of operating parameters and environmental conditions. Effects of varying heat rejection temperature, compressor drive input, and heat loads on the input power and cold end temperatures are examined as well as the cold end temperature stability. In addition, the effect of orientation on the cryocooler’s performance is presented. The cooler has entered life‐test mode with accumulation of over 5000 of run‐time hours.