Hybrid Power System Concepts for Two Different Consumption Categories – Industrial Consumers and Small Village

Hybrid power systems (HPS) allow remote regions that are far from grid to have power supply. The grid infrastructure is expensive for these regions and HPS is the ideal solution. HPS provides reliable and sustainable power supply for industry consumers. Some of the benefits from HPS are the reduction in energy losses, economic losses and emission of air pollutants as well. In this paper hybrid power system configuration and integration for two different consumer types has been performed, one located in Gracanica and the other in Radoc near Bužim, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysed load from Gracanica consisted of four industry consumers’ power consumption throughout the year of 2018, while the type of the consumers analysed in Radoc is residential. The analysed consumers in Gracanica are supplied by 10 kV medium voltage (MV) distribution network, and the village Radoc is supplied by 0,4 kV low voltage (LV) distribution network. The modelling of the sustainable hybrid systems was done in HOMER software. The real data about the load was received from Public Enterprise Elektroprivreda of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the Solar Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) resource, wind and temperature resource data were taken straight from the HOMER. Hybrid systems were designed with HOMER Optimizer™ option. One of the parameters for hybrid systems modelling was to contain solar panels, wind generator and diesel generator. One of the main challenges of this paper was the wind resource for Gracanica and Radoc II as well. Both locations do not have that great wind potential and our goal was to model hybrid systems with as much as possible renewable energy sources. The goal of this paper was to create the sustainable hybrid systems for two different type of consumers. The analysis conducted in this paper showed that both hybrid power systems are energy-efficient and cost-effective.