A Deep Shared Multi-Scale Inception Network Enables Accurate Neonatal Quiet Sleep Detection With Limited EEG Channels

In this paper, we introduce a new variation of the Convolutional Neural Network Inception block, called Sinc, for sleep stage classification in premature newborn babies using electroencephalogram (EEG). In practice, there are many medical centres where only a limited number of EEG channels are recorded. Existing automated algorithms mainly use multi-channel EEGs which perform poorly when fewer numbers of channels are available. The proposed Sinc utilizes multi-scale analysis to place emphasis on the temporal EEG information to be less dependent on the number of EEG channels. In Sinc, we increase the receptive fields through Inception while by additionally sharing the filters that have similar receptive fields, overfitting is controlled and the number of trainable parameters dramatically reduced. To train and test this model, 96 longitudinal EEG recordings from 26 premature infants are used. The Sinc-based model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art neonatal quiet sleep detection algorithms, with mean Kappa 0.77 ± 0.01 (with 8-channel EEG) and 0.75 ± 0.01 (with a single bipolar channel EEG). This is the first study using Inception-based networks for EEG analysis that utilizes filter sharing to improve efficiency and trainability. The suggested network can successfully detect quiet sleep stages with even a single EEG channel making it more practical especially in the hospital setting where cerebral function monitoring is predominantly used.

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