Decision Making, Affect, and Learning: Attention and Performance XXIII

SECTION 1: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES UNDERLYING DECISION MAKING 1. Trial-by-trial data analysis using computational models 2. Psychological influences on economic choice: Pavlovian cuing and emotional regulation 3. The psychology of common value auctions 4. The instability of value 5. Do intransitive choices reflect genuinely context-dependent preferences? SECTION 2: NEURAL SUSTEMS OF DECISION MAKING 6. On the difficulties of integrating evidence from fMRI and electrophysiology in cognitive neuroscience (TUTORIAL REVIEW) 7. Neuroeconomics of risky decisions: from variables to strategies 8. Multiple neural circuits in value-based decision making 9. Model-based analysis of decision variables 10. Reversal learning in fronto-striatal circuits: a functional, autonomic, and neurochemical analysis 11. Cingulate and orbitofrontal contributions to valuing knowns and unknowns in a changeble world SECTION 3: NEURAL SYSTEMS OF EMOTION, REWARD, AND LEARNING 12. Dissociating encoding of attention, errors, and value in outcome-related neural activity (Tutorial Review) 13. The striatum and beyond: contributions of the hippocampus decision making 14. The neural basis of positive and negative emotion regulation: implications for decision making 15. Reward processing and conscious awareness 16. Role of striatal dopamine in the fast adaption of outcome-based decisions 17. Investigating the role of the noradrenergic system in human cognition 18. Interoception and decision making SECTION 4: NEURODEVELOPMENTAL AND CLINICAL ASPECTS 19. A neural systems model of decision making in adolescents 20. Risky and impulsive components of adolescent decision making 21. Abnormalities in monetary and other non-drug reward processing in drug addiction 22. The neuropsychology of stimulant and opiate dependence: neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies 23. Depression and resilience: insights from cognitive, neuroimaging, and psychopharmacological studies