Covers and envelopes in the category of complexes of modules
Covers and Envelopes in Categories Zorn's Lemma for Categories Torsion Theory Relative to Ext Preserving and Reflecting Covers by Functors Orthogonality in the Category of Complexes Introduction Spaltenstein's Quasi-Isomorphisms Exact, DG-Injective and DG Projective Covers and Envelopes Minimal Injective Resolutions Gorenstein Injective and Gorenstein Projective Complexes Preliminaries Gorenstein Injective Complexes Gorenstein Projective Complexes Flat and DG-Flat Complexes First Definitions and Results Some Canonical Isomorphisms Flat Covers of Complexes Existence of Flat Covers of Complexes over a Commutative Noetherian Ring with Finite Krull Dimension Pure Sequences of Complexes Preliminaries Flat Pre-Envelope of Complexes Pure Injective and Cotorsion Envelopes Gorenstein Flat Complexes A Theorem on Perfect Rings DG-Pure Sequences Bibliography Index