Consolidation of Technical Information Activities Several Air Force Research Laboratories into a Single Technical Information Center.
Abstract : In order to improve technical information services to four research and development laboratories -- Air Force Materials Lab (AFML), Air Force Avionics Lab (AFAL), Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab (AFFDL), and Air Force Aeropropulsion Lab (AFAPL) -- the information activities of each individual laboratory are being consolidated into a centralized facility. This consolidation is being accomplished under the auspices of the Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory (AFWAL), a new organization which combines the planning and operations activities of the four laboratories. The AFWAL Technical Information Center (AFWAL-TIC) was chartered (a) to improve the flow of technical information; (b) to effect economies by large-scale operation and elimination of undesirable duplication; (c) to support the information needs of AFWAL scientists, engineers, and managers; (d) to provide efficient and economical library service; (e) to promote research of and reference to available scientific and technical information; and (f) to operate Information for Industry Offices.