Finite element based reduction methods for static and dynamic analysis of thin-walled structures

Nonlinear Finite Element (FE) analysis receives growing attention in industrial and research applications. Modern computer facilities together with state of the art commercial finite element programs allow large and complicated analysis to be per­formed. The nonlinearities of the structural behavior are more and more often taken into account. However, the repeated solution in time of large nonlinear systems of equations stemming from a FE discretization to reproduce the static and dynamic behavior of a general structure is still a computationally intensive task. In the present thesis methods are presented that reduce the number degrees of freedom so that the computational cost is significantly reduced, while a sufficient accuracy of the analysis result is retained. Slender and thin­walled structures constitute main structural components in various engineering areas since they feature a high strength­to­weight and stiffness­to­weight ratio. These structures are prone to function at high displacement levels when subjected to operational loads, while staying in the material linear elastic range. The subject of this thesis is therefore confined to slender and thin­walled structures subjected to static and dynamic loads that trigger geometrical nonlinearities only.