On-Scene EM/EO Assessment
Abstract : LONG-TERM GOAL. Develop the capability for the Tactical Atmospheric Modeling System-Real Time (TAMS-RT), an end-to-end on-scene analysis/forecast system for real-time organic data assimilation, to produce atmospheric and tactical impact variables to forward-deployed forces. OBJECTIVES. Monitor and support TAMS-RT use at deployed locations world-wide and implement analysis/model improvements and bug fixes as identified by operators and R&D testing. APPROACH. Monitor and support TAMS-RT in Bahrain and software provided for use by the NRL Data Fusion for Weather Assessment (DaFWA) project. Implement algorithms for tactically important physical parameters (ceiling, visibility, and heat index) in TAMS-RT and improve the vertical resolution of pressure-level output capability. Incorporate an automatic scaling factor for graphics and implement meteogram graphics for tactical weather parameters. Develop the capability to locally retrieve and analyze satellite-devised wind observations in TAMSRT. Enhance TAMS-RT to use a new multi-level nesting scheme to increase computational efficiency.