Comparison of a Gamified and Non-Gamified Virtual Reality Training Assembly Task

By using simulations in virtual reality (VR), people have the chance to train without supervision in a safe and controlled environment. VR simulation training allows users to gain new skills and apply them to real-life situations. However, the learning curve of this technology from a novice level could influence the expected learning results of a training session. A training approach based on the combination of VR and gamification could speed up this overall learning process and not just for a novice. In this paper we evaluate how gamification in a VR training session can improve the efficiency of the training and the accuracy of the task execution in a real-world practical test. In the training scenario of this study, 50 randomly assigned participants were divided into two groups. The groups were assigned to a gamified and a non-gamified version of the same VR training and were then guided through a step-by-step tutorial outlining how to solve an assembly task. Performance differences were evaluated based on time taken and specific errors made during the training session. The results of this study show, in general, that beneficial effects can be attributed to the use of gamification in the conducted VR training simulation, particularly for the VR novice participants.

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