골프장 종사자 직무교육과 직무만족, 고객지향성, 내부지원 및 경영성과의 관계구조

This study aims at looking into the relation between duty education and internal assistance, duty satisfaction, customer orientation, and management outcome, and at offering basic data to reinforce internal competition and to help establishing the strategy in reinforcing outer service competition. This study drew out and selected 10 convenience samples, Jeonnam golf courses, investigated by questionnaires through self-administered method, and used 391 copies for study materials. This study analyzed data with SPSS Ver 18.0 statistic package program and AMOS 18.0. Used statistic methodswere frequency analysis, factor analysis, co-relation analysis, facfirmatory factor analysis, and Structural equation model analysis. The results on the relation structure between duty education and internal assistance, duty satisfaction, customer orientation and management outcome were as followings. First, duty education at golf course employees had an affirmative (+) effect on internal assistance, Second, duty education at golf course employees had an affirmative (+) effect on duty satisfaction. Third, duty education at golf course employees didn’t have an affirmative (+) effect on customer orientation. Fourth, internal assistance of golf course employees didn’t have an affirmative (+) effect on management outcome. Fifth, duty satisfaction of golf course employees had an affirmative effect on management outcome. Sixth, customer orientation of golf course employees didn’t have an affirmative effect on management outcome. Seventh, duty education of golf course employees didn’t have an affirmative effect on management outcome.