Improved fuzzy AHP methodology for evaluating quality of distance learning courses
The aim of the paper is to present a new methodology for evaluating quality of distance learning courses (DLC). DLCquality management is one of the main parts of the overall knowledge management activities in Higher Educationinstitutions. The methodology proposed consists of creation of DLC quality model (i.e. criteria system), and consecutiveapplicationof severalstages ofnew quality evaluation methodbased bothonFuzzy and AnalyticHierarchy Process(AHP)methods. Since DLC consists of two parts i.e. the content of the course and particular learning methods implemented byapplication of services and tools provided by virtual learning environments (VLE), DLC quality model should consist bothof online content quality criteria, and VLE quality criteria. Since quality is a very complicated notion depending onmultiple criteria, one should use multiple criteria decision analysis theory to create DLC alternatives’ evaluationmethodology. Evaluation method proposed consists of application of MCEQLS (multiple criteria evaluation of thequality of learning software) approach using triangular Fuzzy numbers to elaborate the ratings (values) of the qualitycriteria, and criteria weights elaboration method based on Fuzzy and AHP methods. The last method is absolutely novel inscientific literature.Keywords:knowledge management; distance learning courses; quality evaluation methodology; quality criteria; weights; ratings; fuzzynumbers; analytic hierarchy process