Power distribution station monitoring system

The present invention provides a power distribution station house monitoring system, comprising a digital camera, the image difference extracting means, each frame of image receiving said video camera to a monitor screen, analyze the difference of two images of the set period, and difference image group output portion of the data are different; the image group in which there is a difference of the received transmission unit setting a time period starting point, the first frame image output from said digital camera; while receiving the image extracting unit outputs the difference there is a difference of differences of partial data sets of image differences; and the first frame image and the difference data output section; an image processing unit, the transmitting unit receives the output from the first frame image and the difference part of the data, based on the first difference image and the frame portion of the frame-set period data to restore the video image; monitoring system platform, connected to the image processing unit, receiving the image processing unit transmits each frame and continuous display.