Managing predefined templates and macros for a departmental speech recognition system using common software

The authors have developed a networked database system to create, store, and manage predefined radiology report definitions. This was prompted by complete departmental conversion to a computer speech recognition system (SRS) for clinical reporting. The software complements and extends the capabilities of the SRS, and 2 systems are integrated by means of a simple text file format and import/export functions within each program. This report describes the functional requirements, design considerations, and implementation details of the structured report management software. The database and its interface are designed to allow all radiologists and division managers to define and update template structures relevant to their practice areas. Two key conceptual extensions supported by the template management system are the addition of a template type construct and allowing individual radiologists to dynamically share common organ system or modality-specific templates. In addition, the template manager software enables specifying predefined report structures that can be triggered at the time of dictation from printed lists of barcodes. Initial experience using the program in a regional, multisite, academic radiology practice has been positive.