Vehicle Class-wise Speed Volume Model for Three-lane Undivided Urban Roads

Abstract Two or three lane two-way undivided roads are a ubiquitous presence in any city in India and they are typically mixed traffic roads with vehicles of widely varying static and dynamic characteristics and with poor or no lane discipline. Hence multi-class speed flow equations are more relevant to these types of facilities rather than single class flow speed models. In addition, the available research for the operation of these types of facilities in India is very limited. Hence this paper aims to study the traffic flow in a three-lane two-way undivided road in the city of Chennai through developing multi-class speed-flow relationships using both linear and Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) models. It has been found from the study that models with total volume perform the same irrespective of units used being vehicles or PCU and models with class-wise (with and without direction) consistently perform better than total volume models. It was also found that linear models work better than other models for all vehicle classes modelling 2-wheeler speeds and two-wheelers, cars and LCVs have the greatest influence on the speeds of almost all the category of vehicles and the stream. One of the other important conclusions from the study is that an optimum use of class-wise and class& direction-wise models can offer models of better fit than two individual class and class-direction models.