Successful development of technology parks supporting innovations is one of key factors of success of this kind of activity. Technology parks create the favorable conditions for development of manufacturing enterprises of the scientific and technical sphere. At the same time science and technology parks are subject to the risks arising both at the time of their creation, and in the course of their functioning. The main objective of the conducted research is identification of the factors influencing activity of science and technology parks and development of the main actions directed to decrease their negative impact. As a method of identification of risks quantile regression is used. This method is not parametrical, and, therefore, does not assume that distribution size belongs to any parametrical methods. Besides, quantile regression belongs to robust methods, they are steady against emissions. The technology park Academpark was chosen as an object of the research. Following the results of the conducted research authors concluded that the tax burden, the number of the resident companies and number of their employees have the greatest impact on the revenue of science and technology park. The authors offered possible ways for decrease of negative influence of the above-stated factors on the total revenue.