Population studies on Oncomelania quadrasi, the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum, in the Philippines. 3. Data transformation for significance test of snail density.
For the comparative study of densities of Oncomelania quadrasi, the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum in the Philippines, the survey data should be transformed to stabilize the variance in determining the significant difference of densities among populations and to evaluate control measures by the difference, since the snail is distributed unevenly in the field. Comparison was made for the efficiency of stabilizing variance among 7 transformation formulas so far reported, and 2 new additional formulas in the present study. As a result, a simple transformation by y=log (x+0.01) was found to be most reliable. This nonparametric transformation can be applied to any snail population irrespective of the type of distribution and the degree of clumping. By this formula, there is no need to discard snail-free samples which are important to evaluate control measures. Using this transformation, snail survey data were analyzed in the areas where control measures were undertaken during the past several years. And significant reduction of snail densities was proven using the t-test.