Lowering SCADA development and implementation costs using PtP concept

In this paper we proposed the new concept which significantly decreases the development and implementation costs of standard SCADA systems. This system, as any other SCADA system, consists of MTU and RTU. This new concept is designated as PtP SCADA or PC-to-PC SCADA. The main approach to achieve several benefits is based on the idea to place standard PC configuration on both MTU and RTU sides of communication link in SCADA system. Unlike standard SCADA systems which, in majority of cases, have PLC as RTU, PtP SCADA systems have PC based RTU with custom software. PC based RTU is in charge of communication with MTU, direct control of the object, optional indirect control of the object over simple PLC's, storing data, and eventually independent decision making in mission critical situations. The main advantages of using PtP SCADA are lower development and maintenance costs, significant decrease of design and implementation complexity, market competitiveness with highly sophisticated SCADA systems. Main contribution of this concept to global SCADA concept is allowing the introduction of artificial intelligence on RTU side which is given as a guideline for further development. Although in this work we introduced the modified spiral model as new concept of design and development of PtP SCADA systems, the main focus of this work is not on modification of spiral modeling, but rather on new architectural and conceptual organization of SCADA systems.