Assessment of Counting Techniques

Counts of birds are used for many purposes in a variety of field studies. Simple presence-or-absence information suffices to study avian biogeography, but indices of abundance are needed to track the changing mix of species’ populations associated with plant succession. Still other studies, as of trophic dynamics, require knowledge of population densities. This chapter critically assesses the suitability of various counting methods for each of these purposes. It is not a thorough review of the topic. These have been provided already by Kendeigh (1944), Blondel (1969), Berthold (1976), and Dawson and Verner (in preparation); Robbins (1978) and Shields (1979) should also be consulted, although the scope of their reviews was less extensive.

[1]  S. C. Kendeigh Measurement of Bird Populations , 1944 .

[2]  Einari Merikallio Über regionale Verbreitung und Anzahl der Landvögel in Süd- und Mittelfinnland, besonders in deren Östlichen teilen, im Lichte von quantitativen Untersuchungen , 1946 .

[3]  W. B. Yapp,et al.  The Theory of Line Transects , 1956 .

[4]  J. Longcore,et al.  Wildfowl in Great Britain , 1986 .

[5]  A. Seierstad,et al.  Statistical Treatment of the ‘Inconspicuousness Problem’ in Animal Population Surveys , 1965, Nature.

[6]  D. Snow The relationship between census results and the breeding population of birds on farmland , 1965 .

[7]  G. E. Duke Reliability of Censuses of Singing Male Woodcocks , 1966 .

[8]  J. Gates Crowing Counts as Indices to Cock Pheasant Populations in Wisconsin , 1966 .

[9]  A. Seierstad,et al.  Estimation of Survey Efficiency for Animal Populations with Unidentifiable Individuals , 1967, Nature.


[11]  R. Cormack,et al.  The statistics of capture-recapture methods , 1968 .

[12]  F. Bourlière,et al.  Problèmes d'écologie : l'échantillonnage des peuplements animaux des milieux terrestres , 1969 .

[13]  John A. Wiens,et al.  An approach to the study of ecological relationships among grassland birds , 1969 .

[14]  A. Hasler,et al.  Species Diversity in Lacustrine Phytoplankton. I. The Components of the Index of Diversity from Shannon's Formula , 1969, The American Naturalist.

[15]  S. Svenson,et al.  Recommendations for an international standard for a mapping method in bird census work , 1969 .

[16]  E. Tramer,et al.  Bird Species Diversity: Components of Shannon's Formula , 1969 .

[17]  D. R. Anderson,et al.  Correction of bias in belt transect studies of immotile objects , 1970 .

[18]  J. Emlen Population Densities of Birds Derived from Transect Counts , 1971 .

[19]  G. Seber The estimation of animal abundance and related parameters , 1974 .

[20]  C. Catchpole,et al.  The Relationship Between Census Results and Breeding Populations of some Marshland Passerines , 1973 .

[21]  A. Sinclair Population increases of buffalo and wildebeest in the Serengeti , 1973 .

[22]  D. Jones,et al.  FIELD TESTS OF STRIP CENSUS METHODS , 1974 .

[23]  H. Jensen The reliability of the mapping method in marshes with special reference to the internationally accepted rules , 1974 .

[24]  S. Svensson Interpersonal variation in species map evaluation in bird census work with the mapping method , 1974 .

[25]  B. Diehl Results of a breeding bird community census by the mapping method in a grassland ecosystem , 1974 .

[26]  G Eschard,et al.  Comparison Between Two Methods of SNR Measurement of Image Tubes. , 1974, Applied optics.

[27]  R. Väisänen,et al.  Estimating relative densities of breeding birds by the line transect method , 1975 .

[28]  L. Best Interpretational Errors in the "Mapping Method" as a Census Technique , 1975 .

[29]  R. Holmes,et al.  Bird community dynamics and energetics in a northern hardwoods ecosystem , 1975 .

[30]  Estimating Relative Densities of Breeding Birds by the Line Transect Method. II. Comparison between Two Methods , 1976 .

[31]  K. Franzreb Comparison of Variable Strip Transect and Spot-Map Methods for Censusing Avian Populations in a Mixed-Coniferous Forest , 1976 .

[32]  R. R. Johnson,et al.  Importance, preservation and management of riparian habitat : a symposium , 1977 .

[33]  J. Rappole,et al.  Territoriality and Population Structure in a Small Passerine Community1 , 1977 .

[34]  S. Nilsson Estimates of Population Density and Changes for Titmice, Nuthatch, and Treecreeper in Southern Sweden: An Evaluation of the Territory Mapping Method , 1977 .

[35]  Graeme Caughley,et al.  Analysis of vertebrate populations , 1977 .

[36]  J. Emlen Estimating Breeding Season Bird Densities from Transect Counts , 1977 .

[37]  Susan M. Smith The "Underworld" in a Territorial Sparrow: Adaptive Strategy for Floaters , 1978, The American Naturalist.

[38]  R. Alatalo Bird community energetics in a boreal coniferous forest , 1978 .

[39]  S. Svensson,et al.  The effect of observer variability on bird census results obtained by a territory mapping technique , 1978 .

[40]  F. Ramsey,et al.  Use of circular plot surveys in estimating the density of a population with poisson scattering , 1978 .

[41]  David R. Anderson,et al.  Statistical inference from capture data on closed animal populations , 1980 .

[42]  J. Falls,et al.  Foraging and Territoriality of Male Ovenbirds (Aves: Parulidae) in a Heterogeneous Habitat , 1979 .

[43]  James C. Kroll,et al.  The Role of Insectivorous Birds in Forest Ecosystems , 1979 .

[44]  F. W. Preston The Invisible Birds , 1979 .

[45]  S. Svensson Census Efficiency and Number of Visits to a Study Plot when Estimating Bird Densities by the Territory Mapping Method , 1979 .


[47]  A. Enemar,et al.  Accuracy and efficiency of mapping territorial willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus: a case study , 1979 .

[48]  Kenneth P. Burnham,et al.  User's manual for program TRANSECT , 1979 .

[49]  B. Gill Abundance, feeding, and morphology of passerine birds at Kowhai Bush, Kaikoura, New Zealand , 1980 .

[50]  Richard T. Reynolds,et al.  A Variable Circular-Plot Method for Estimating Bird Numbers , 1980 .

[51]  D. Gilmer,et al.  Small-format cameras and fine-grain film used for waterfowl population studies , 1980 .

[52]  J. Dickson,et al.  Strip transect sampling and analysis for avian habitat studies , 1980 .

[53]  R. O’Connor,et al.  The influence of weather conditions on the detection of birds during Common Birds Census fieldwork , 1980 .

[54]  Byron J. T. Morgan,et al.  Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds. , 1981 .

[55]  David R. Anderson,et al.  Wildlife Monographs: Estimation of Density from Line Transect Sampling of Biological Populations , 1981 .

[56]  F. Ramsey,et al.  Effects of abundant species on the ability of observers to make accurate counts of birds , 1981 .

[57]  David R. Anderson,et al.  Line transect estimation of bird population density using a Fourier series , 1981 .

[58]  R. Rodgers,et al.  Factors Affecting Ruffed Grouse Drumming Counts in Southwestern Wisconsin , 1981 .

[59]  F. C. James,et al.  Rarefaction, Relative Abundance, and Diversity of Avian Communities , 1981 .

[60]  James E. Hines,et al.  Remarks on the use of mark-recapture methodology in estimating avian population size , 1981 .

[61]  F. Ramsey,et al.  Distance estimation as a variable in estimating bird numbers from vocalizations , 1981 .

[62]  Frances C. James,et al.  Relationships between Temperate Forest Bird Communities and Vegetation Structure , 1982 .

[63]  S. Buckland,et al.  A note on the Fourier series model for analysing line transect data. , 1982, Biometrics.

[64]  Stephen L. Granholm Bias in Density Estimates Due to Movement of Birds , 1983 .

[65]  Avian Abundance and Guild Structure in Two Montana Coniferous Forests , 1983 .

[66]  David R. Anderson,et al.  Capture-Recapture and Removal Methods for Sampling Closed Populations , 1983 .