CAMO: A Collaborative Ranking Method for Content Based Recommendation

In real-world recommendation tasks, feedback data are usually sparse. Therefore, a recommender’s performance is often determined by how much information that it can extract from textual contents. However, current methods do not make full use of the semantic information. They encode the textual contents either by “bag-of-words” technique or Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The former neglects the order of words while the latter ignores the fact that textual contents can contain multiple topics. Besides, there exists a dilemma in designing a recommender. On the one hand, we shall use a sophisticated model to exploit every drop of information in item contents; on the other hand, we shall adopt a simple model to prevent itself from over-fitting when facing the sparse feedbacks. To fill the gaps, we propose a recommender named CAMO 1. CAMO employs a multi-layer content encoder for simultaneously capturing the semantic information of multitopic and word order. Moreover, CAMO makes use of adversarial training to prevent the complex encoder from overfitting. Extensive empirical studies show that CAMO outperforms state-of-the-art methods in predicting users’ preferences.