Stellar Coronal Astronomy

[1]  M. Audard,et al.  Tomography of a stellar X-ray corona: alpha Coronae Borealis , 2003 .

[2]  K. Koyama,et al.  X-ray Study of Herbig Ae/Be Stars, Intermediate Mass Young Stars , 2002 .

[3]  M. Giampapa,et al.  The Coronae of Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs , 2002 .

[4]  P. Testa,et al.  Temperature and Density Structure of Hot and Cool Loops Derived from the Analysis of TRACE Data , 2002 .

[5]  V. Kashyap,et al.  A Lot of Observations of the Coronae of AR Lac , 2002 .

[6]  P. Judge Observational and Interpretational Challenges , 2002 .

[7]  Palermo,et al.  The Structure of Stellar Coronae in Active Binary Systems , 2002, astro-ph/0210652.

[8]  H. Bouy,et al.  XMM-Newton observations of the nearby brown dwarf LP 944-20 , 2002, astro-ph/0210360.

[9]  S. Sciortino,et al.  Observational clues for a role of circumstellar accretion in PMS X-ray activity , 2002, astro-ph/0210258.

[10]  J. Drake,et al.  Stringent X-Ray Constraints on Mass Loss from Proxima Centauri , 2002 .

[11]  S. Sciortino,et al.  Chandra X-Ray Observation of the Orion Nebula Cluster. II. Relationship between X-Ray Activity Indicators and Stellar Parameters , 2002, astro-ph/0208475.

[12]  G. Micela,et al.  The EUVE point of view of AD Leo , 2002, astro-ph/0208202.

[13]  M. Audard,et al.  Detection of the Neupert Effect in the Corona of an RS Canum Venaticorum Binary System by XMM-Newton and the Very Large Array , 2002, astro-ph/0206080.

[14]  P. Predehl,et al.  Chandra LETGS observation of the active binary Algol , 2002, astro-ph/0203431.

[15]  E. Feigelson,et al.  X-Ray-emitting Young Stars in the Orion Nebula , 2002, astro-ph/0203316.

[16]  Hans Zinnecker,et al.  X-Ray Properties of the Young Stellar and Substellar Objects in the IC 348 Cluster: The Chandra View , 2002 .

[17]  A. Emslie,et al.  Energetics of Explosive Events Observed with SUMER , 2002 .

[18]  E. Feigelson,et al.  Magnetic Flaring in the Pre-Main-Sequence Sun and Implications for the Early Solar System , 2002, astro-ph/0202046.

[19]  C. Liefke,et al.  X-ray emission from the ultracool dwarf LHS 2065 , 2002 .

[20]  S. Sciortino,et al.  On X-ray variability in ROSAT-PSPC observations of F7-K2 stars , 2002 .

[21]  P. Freeman,et al.  The Capella Giants and Coronal Evolution across the Hertzsprung Gap , 2002 .

[22]  G. Peres,et al.  Modeling non-confined coronal flares: Dynamics and X-ray diagnostics , 2001, astro-ph/0112333.

[23]  R. Rosner,et al.  The Distribution of the Emission Measure, and of the Heating Budget, among the Loops in the Corona , 2001, astro-ph/0111192.

[24]  N. Schulz,et al.  Evidence for Accretion: High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hydrae , 2001, astro-ph/0111049.

[25]  A. Dupree,et al.  X-Ray Doppler Imaging of 44i Bootis with Chandra , 2001, astro-ph/0110560.

[26]  Markus J. Aschwanden,et al.  An Evaluation of Coronal Heating Models for Active Regions Based on Yohkoh, SOHO, and TRACE Observations , 2001 .

[27]  E. Feigelson,et al.  Discovery of X-rays from the protostellar outflow object HH2 , 2001, Nature.

[28]  G. Peres,et al.  The Sun as an X-Ray Star. IV. The Contribution of Different Regions of the Corona to Its X-Ray Spectrum , 2001 .

[29]  K. Strassmeier,et al.  Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure XVII. The solar-type Pleiades star HII 314 = V1038 Tauri , 2001 .

[30]  N. Schulz,et al.  X-ray plasma diagnostics of stellar winds in young massive stars , 2001 .

[31]  M. Audard,et al.  XMM-Newton Probes the Solar Past: Coronal Abundances of Solar Analogs at Different Ages , 2001, astro-ph/0109265.

[32]  M. Audard,et al.  A Study of the Coronal Plasma in RS CVn binary systems: HR 1099 and co , 2001, astro-ph/0109264.

[33]  K. Koyama,et al.  Chandra Observation of the ρ Ophiuchi Cloud , 2001 .

[34]  T. Preibisch,et al.  Deep Chandra X-Ray Observatory Imaging Study of the Very Young Stellar Cluster IC 348 , 2001 .

[35]  E. Franciosini,et al.  BeppoSAX observation of a large long-duration X-ray flare from UX Arietis , 2001 .

[36]  A. A. Kaas,et al.  Discovery of X-ray emission from the protostellar jet L1551 IRS5 (HH 154) , 2001, astro-ph/0110112.

[37]  R. Neuhaeuser,et al.  X-ray emission from young stars in Taurus-Auriga-Perseus: Luminosity functions and the rotation - activity - age - relation , 2001, astro-ph/0107238.

[38]  M. Weber,et al.  Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure - XV. A possible detection of differential rotation and local meridional flows on the rapidly-rotating giant HD 218153 = KU Pegasi , 2001 .

[39]  N. Pizzolato,et al.  Subphotospheric convection and magnetic activity dependence on metallicity and age: Models and tests , 2001 .

[40]  U. Feldman,et al.  On the Rate of Abundance Modifications versus Time in Active Region Plasmas , 2001 .

[41]  J. G. Timothy,et al.  Far-Ultraviolet Observations of Flares on the dM0e Star AU Microscopii , 2001 .

[42]  E. Totten,et al.  X-rays from the open cluster NGC 6633 , 2001 .

[43]  N. Schulz,et al.  X-Ray Spectroscopy of II Pegasi: Coronal Temperature Structure, Abundances, and Variability , 2001, astro-ph/0106007.

[44]  Chandra Detection of Doppler-shifted X-Ray Line Profiles from the Wind of ζ Puppis (O4 f) , 2001 .

[45]  J. Linsky,et al.  Analysis of Chandra X-ray Spectra of the Young, Active Star AB Dor , 2001 .

[46]  F. Favata,et al.  Coronal structure geometries on pre-main sequence stars , 2001, astro-ph/0104318.

[47]  G. Peres,et al.  The Sun as an X-Ray Star. III. Flares , 2001, astro-ph/0104021.

[48]  M. R. Panzera,et al.  Quiescent and flare analysis for the chromospherically active star Gl 355 (LQ Hya) , 2001, astro-ph/0103473.

[49]  J. Drake,et al.  CHANDRA-LETGS X-ray observations of Capella. Temperature, density and abundance diagnostics , 2001 .

[50]  J. Linsky,et al.  Chandra, EUVE, HST, and VLA Multiwavelength Campaign on HR 1099: Instrumental Capabilities, Data Reduction, and Initial Results , 2001 .

[51]  V. Kashyap,et al.  Enhanced Noble Gases in the Coronae of Active Stars , 2001 .

[52]  V. Kashyap,et al.  The Coronal Metallicity of the Intermediate Activity Dwarf ξ Bootis A , 2001 .

[53]  A. Maggio,et al.  On Stellar Coronae and Solar Active Regions , 2000 .

[54]  V. Burwitz,et al.  Helium-like triplet density diagnostics - Applications to CHANDRA-LETGS X-ray observations of Capella and Procyon , 2000, astro-ph/0012223.

[55]  Martin V. Zombeck,et al.  In-Flight Calibration of the ROSAT HRI Ultraviolet Sensitivity , 2000 .

[56]  J. Linsky,et al.  Radio, X-Ray, and Extreme-Ultraviolet Coronal Variability of the Short-Period RS Canum Venaticorum Binary σ2 Coronae Borealis , 2000 .

[57]  P. Gondoin,et al.  XMM-Newton survey of the low-metallicity open cluster NGC 2516 , 2000, astro-ph/0011140.

[58]  M. Audard,et al.  First light measurements with the XMM-Newton reflection grating spectrometers: Evidence for an inverse first ionisation potential effect and anomalous Ne abundance in the Coronae of HR 1099 , 2000, astro-ph/0011018.

[59]  G. L. Wycoff,et al.  (Erratum) Letter to the Editor - The Tycho-2 catalogue of the 2.5 million brightest stars , 2000 .

[60]  M. Aschwanden,et al.  Evidence for Nonuniform Heating of Coronal Loops Inferred from Multithread Modeling of TRACE Data , 2000 .

[61]  K. Briggs,et al.  X-ray Source Populations in the Region of the Open Clusters NGC 6633 and IC 4756 , 2000, astro-ph/0007468.

[62]  D. Dewey,et al.  High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Capella: Initial Results from the Chandra High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer , 2000, astro-ph/0006457.

[63]  P. Freeman,et al.  Chandra Observations of the Open Cluster NGC 2516 , 2000 .

[64]  L. Bildsten,et al.  Chandra Detection of an X-Ray Flare from the Brown Dwarf LP 944-20 , 2000, astro-ph/0005559.

[65]  F. Favata,et al.  Rosat HRI observations of the open cluster NGC 2516 , 2000 .

[66]  T. Montmerle,et al.  Effects of Energetic Radiation in Young Stellar Objects , 2000 .

[67]  Observatoire de Geneve,et al.  Rotation and activity in the solar-type stars of NGC 2547 , 2000, astro-ph/0004339.

[68]  M. Kundu,et al.  The Absolute Abundance of Iron in the Solar Corona , 2000, The Astrophysical journal.

[69]  E. Dufour,et al.  An internet server for pre-main sequence tracks of low- and intermediate-mass stars , 2000, astro-ph/0003477.

[70]  J. Linsky,et al.  HST/STIS Echelle Spectra of the dM1e Star AU Microscopii Outside of Flares , 2000 .

[71]  F. R. Harnden,et al.  HRI observations of PMS stars in NGC 2264 (Flaccomio+, 2000) , 2000 .

[72]  P. Démoulin,et al.  Magnetic Field and Plasma Scaling Laws: Their Implications for Coronal Heating Models , 2000 .

[73]  A. Dupree,et al.  Coronal Structure and Abundances of Capella from Simultaneous EUVE and ASCA Spectroscopy , 2000 .

[74]  M. Giampapa,et al.  An X-Ray Flare Detected on the M8 Dwarf VB 10 , 2000, astro-ph/0002065.

[75]  P. Jupp,et al.  Statistical Analysis of the Energy Distribution of Nanoflares in the Quiet Sun , 2000 .

[76]  K. Koyama,et al.  Quasi-periodic X-Ray Flares from the Protostar YLW 15 , 1999, astro-ph/9911373.

[77]  A. Bamba,et al.  Large X-Ray Flare from the Herbig Be Star MWC 297 , 1999, astro-ph/9911120.

[78]  J. Schmitt,et al.  The stellar content of soft X-ray surveys. II. Cross-correlation of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey with the Tycho and Hipparcos catalogs , 1999 .

[79]  S. Randich,et al.  Coronal activity among open cluster stars , 1999, astro-ph/9909139.

[80]  F. Favata,et al.  Spectroscopic analysis of a super-hot giant flare observed on Algol by BeppoSAX on 30 August 1997 , 1999, astro-ph/9909041.

[81]  F. Favata,et al.  Continuous heating of a giant X-ray flare on Algol , 1999, Nature.

[82]  E. Feigelson,et al.  High-Energy Processes in Young Stellar Objects , 1999 .


[84]  A. Fludra,et al.  The absolute coronal abundances of sulfur, calcium, and iron from Yohkoh-BCS flare spectra , 1999 .

[85]  M. R. Panzera,et al.  X-ray emission from A0-F6 spectral type stars , 1999, astro-ph/9906221.

[86]  Y. Unruh,et al.  Coronal emission and dynamo saturation , 1999 .

[87]  V. Kashyap,et al.  On X-Ray Variability in Active Binary Stars , 1999, astro-ph/9905109.

[88]  R. Osten,et al.  Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Photometry of RS Canum Venaticorum Systems: Four Flaring Megaseconds , 1999 .

[89]  T. Gehren,et al.  Photospheric metal abundances of AR Lacertae , 1999 .

[90]  E. Guinan,et al.  Implications from Extreme-Ultraviolet Observations for Coronal Heating of Active Stars , 1999 .

[91]  Garching,et al.  Rotational modulation of X-ray flares on late-type stars: T Tauri stars and Algol , 1999, astro-ph/9901317.

[92]  J. Linsky,et al.  Flaring and Quiescent Coronae of UX Arietis: Results from ASCA and EUVE Campaigns , 1999 .

[93]  Ralph Neuhaeuser Cesar Briceno Fernando Comeron Thomas H Zinnecker Search for X-ray emission from bona-fide and candidate brown dwarfs , 1998, astro-ph/9812436.

[94]  F. Ghigo,et al.  Radio Emission from Algol. I. Coronal Geometry and Emission Mechanisms Determined from VLBA and Green Bank Interferometer Observations , 1998 .

[95]  A. Tolley,et al.  X-ray emission and low-mass stars in the young open cluster NGC 2547 , 1998 .

[96]  T. Gehren,et al.  Photospheric metal abundances in active stellar atmospheres , 1998 .

[97]  P. T. de Zeeuw,et al.  A Hipparcos Census of the Nearby OB Associations , 1998, astro-ph/9809227.


[99]  H. Murakami,et al.  ASCA Detection of a Superhot 100 Million K X-Ray Flare on the Weak-lined T Tauri Star V773 Tauri , 1998 .

[100]  V. Kashyap,et al.  Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Reconstruction of Emission Measure Distributions: Application to Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectra , 1998 .

[101]  A. Dupree,et al.  Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Observations of the W Ursae Majoris Contact Binary 44i Bootis: Coronal Structure and Variability , 1998 .

[102]  T. Clune,et al.  Pumping of Magnetic Fields by Turbulent Penetrative Convection , 1998 .

[103]  M. Giampapa,et al.  X-Ray Activity in the Open Cluster IC 4665 , 1998 .

[104]  J. Lemen,et al.  Detailed Evidence for Flare-to-Flare Variations of the Coronal Calcium Abundance , 1998 .

[105]  F. Favata,et al.  The evolutionary status of activity-selected solar-type stars and of T Tauri stars as derived from Hipparcos parallaxes: evidence for long-lived T Tauri disks? ? , 1998 .

[106]  P. Ventura,et al.  Full spectrum of turbulence convective mixing: I. theoretical main sequences and turn-off for 0.6 15 M , 1998 .

[107]  A. Maggio,et al.  Loop modeling of coronal X-ray spectra. V. One- and two-loop model fitting of G-type star ROSAT/PSPC spectra , 1998 .


[109]  S. Berdyugina,et al.  The active RS Canum Venaticorum binary II Pegasi ? I. Stellar and orbital parameters , 1998 .

[110]  J. Hénoux FIP Fractionation: Theory , 1998 .

[111]  S. Randich,et al.  Stellar Activity in Coeval Open Clusters: Praesepe and the Hyades , 1998, astro-ph/9804287.

[112]  J. Drake Excess Helium as an Explanation for Metal Deficiency in Coronal Plasma? , 1998 .

[113]  T. Simon,et al.  A Deep X‐Ray Image of IC 2391 , 1998 .

[114]  J. Linsky,et al.  Dissecting Capella's Corona: GHRS Spectra of the Fe XXI λ1354 and He II λ1640 Lines from Each of the Capella Stars , 1998 .

[115]  T. Dotani,et al.  ASCA Observation of a Long-Duration X-Ray Flare from the W UMa-Type Binary VW Cephei , 1998 .

[116]  S. Hawley,et al.  Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Spectra of the 1993 March Flares on AD Leonis: The Differential Emission Measure and Implications for Coronal Structure , 1997 .

[117]  M. Endl,et al.  A large X-ray flare on HU Virginis , 1997 .

[118]  D. James,et al.  Rotation, activity and lithium in NGC 6475 , 1997 .

[119]  S. Allain,et al.  The angular momentum evolution of low-mass stars , 1997 .

[120]  J. Kaastra,et al.  EUV spectroscopy of cool stars III. Interpretation of EUVE spectra in terms of quasi-static loops , 1997 .

[121]  J. Schmitt,et al.  Young Cool Stars in the Solar Neighborhood. , 1997 .



[124]  F. Favata,et al.  HIPPARCOS Distances of X-ray Selected Stars: Implications on their Nature , 1997 .

[125]  Y. K. Ng,et al.  Revised ages for the stars in the solar neighbourhood , 1997, astro-ph/9707043.

[126]  R. Jeffries,et al.  An X-ray survey of the young open cluster NGC 2516 , 1997 .

[127]  M. Güdel Are Coronae of Magnetically Active Stars Heated by Flares? , 1997, astro-ph/0312405.

[128]  Wolfgang Voges,et al.  Identification of a complete sample of northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-ray sources - II. The optical observations , 1997 .

[129]  J. G. Doyle,et al.  Radio and extreme-ultraviolet observations of CF Tucanae , 1997 .

[130]  E. Guinan,et al.  A Determination of the Coronal Emission Measure Distribution in the Young Solar Analog EK Draconis from ASCA/EUVE Spectra , 1997 .

[131]  J. Kaastra,et al.  ASCA and EUVE observations of II Pegasi: flaring and quiescent coronal emission , 1997 .

[132]  J. Linsky,et al.  The ROSAT All-Sky Survey of Active Binary Coronae. III. Quiescent Coronal Properties for the BY Draconis-Type Binaries , 1997 .

[133]  J. Drake,et al.  Stellar Coronal Abundances. V. Evidence for the First Ionization Potential Effect in α Centauri , 1997 .

[134]  K. Makishima,et al.  An exceptional X-ray flare on the dMe star EQ1839.6 + 8002 , 1997 .

[135]  J. Schmitt CORONAE ON SOLAR-LIKE STARS , 1997 .

[136]  S. Drake,et al.  Corona(e) of AR Lacertae. II. The Spatial Structure , 1996 .

[137]  A. Benz,et al.  The Neupert Effect in Active Stellar Coronae: Chromospheric Evaporation and Coronal Heating in the dMe Flare Star Binary UV Ceti , 1996 .

[138]  S. White,et al.  Simultaneous EUVE & ASCA observations of AB Doradus: temperature structure and abundances of the quiescent corona. , 1996 .

[139]  B. Patten,et al.  The Evolution of Rotation and Activity in Young Open Clusters: IC 2391 , 1996 .

[140]  J. Schmitt,et al.  ROSAT Pointed Observations of the Alpha Persei Cluster , 1996 .

[141]  J. Sheeley Elemental Abundance Variations in the Solar Atmosphere , 1996 .

[142]  J. Dachs,et al.  ROSAT survey of stellar X-ray sources in the young open cluster NGC 2516. , 1996 .

[143]  J. Schmitt,et al.  A Close Look at the Coronal Density of Procyon , 1996 .

[144]  J. Schmitt,et al.  Forty days in the life of CF Tucanae (=HD 5303). The longest stellar X-ray flare observed with ROSAT. , 1996 .

[145]  W. Landsman,et al.  The High Chromospheres of the Late A Stars , 1996, astro-ph/9701132.

[146]  H. Mason,et al.  High Coronal Electron Densities in a Solar Flare from Fe XXI and Fe XXII X-Ray Line Measurements , 1996 .

[147]  J. Schmitt,et al.  CF Tucanae: Another Case of Coronal MAD Syndrome? , 1996 .

[148]  S. Drake,et al.  RS CVn Versus Algol-Type Binaries: A Comparative Study of Their X-Ray Emission , 1996 .

[149]  R. Rosner,et al.  The Coronae of Low-Mass Dwarf Stars , 1996 .

[150]  Jeremy Lim,et al.  Limits to Mass Outflows from Late-Type Dwarf Stars , 1996 .

[151]  J. Drake,et al.  Stellar Coronal Abundances. IV. Evidence of the FIP Effect in the Corona of epsilon Eridani , 1996 .

[152]  P. Hauschildt,et al.  Spectral analysis of M dwarfs , 1996 .

[153]  J. Schmitt,et al.  ROSAT observation of a giant X-ray flare on Algol: evidence for abundance variations? , 1996 .

[154]  K. Reinsch,et al.  The ROSAT galactic plane survey: analysis of a low latitude sample area in Cygnus ? , 1996, astro-ph/9611112.


[156]  S. Tsuneta,et al.  Scaling Law of Solar Coronal Loops Obtained with YOHKOH , 1995 .

[157]  S. Hawley,et al.  Simultaneous Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer and Optical Observations of Ad Leonis: Evidence for Large Coronal Loops and the Neupert Effect in Stellar Flares , 1995 .

[158]  L. Porter,et al.  Soft X-Ray Loops and Coronal Heating , 1995 .

[159]  G. Lockwood,et al.  A 12 Year Photometric Study of Lower Main-Sequence Hyades Stars , 1995 .

[160]  E. Antonucci,et al.  Differential Emission Measure and Iron-to-Calcium Abundance in Solar Flare Plasmas , 1995 .

[161]  M. Giampapa,et al.  Correlations of Coronal X-Ray Emission with Activity, Mass, and Age of the Nearby K and M Dwarfs , 1995 .

[162]  M. Giampapa,et al.  The X-Ray View of the Low-Mass Stars in the Solar Neighborhood , 1995 .

[163]  J. Stauffer,et al.  Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of X-Ray-Bright Stars in the Pleiades , 1995 .

[164]  J. Schmitt,et al.  ROSAT All-Sky Survey Observations of the Hyades , 1995 .

[165]  D. Wonnacott,et al.  HR 5110 superflare: an interbinary flare identified? , 1995 .


[167]  J. Schmitt,et al.  A ROSAT X-ray study of the Praesepe cluster. , 1995 .

[168]  S. Drake,et al.  A study of coronal X-ray emission from short-period Algol binaries , 1995 .

[169]  S. Hodgkin,et al.  Chromospheric and coronal activity of low-mass stars in the Pleiades , 1995 .

[170]  J. Stauffer,et al.  Deep ROSAT HRI Observations of the Orion Nebula , 1995 .

[171]  J. Schmitt,et al.  EUVE observations of Algol: Detection of a continuum and implications for the coronal (Fe/H) abundance , 1995 .

[172]  J. Drake,et al.  Stellar Coronal Abundances. II. The First Ionization Potential Effect and Its Absence in the Corona of Procyon , 1995 .

[173]  R. Jeffries,et al.  The kinematics of lithium-rich, active late-type stars: evidence for a low-mass Local Association , 1995 .

[174]  B. Smith,et al.  New model of iron spectra in the extreme ultraviolet and application to SERTS and EUV observations: A solar active region and capella , 1995 .

[175]  S. Hawley,et al.  Chromospheric and coronal activity in low-mass Hyades dwarfs , 1995 .

[176]  J. Schmitt,et al.  Coronal X-ray emission and rotation of cool main-sequence stars. , 1995 .

[177]  E. Feigelson,et al.  ROSAT X-Ray Sources Embedded in the rho Ophiuchi Cloud Core , 1995 .

[178]  F. R. Harnden,et al.  Einstein X-ray observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars , 1994 .

[179]  John R. Stauffer,et al.  Coronal X-ray sources in the Hyades: A 40 kilosecond ROSAT pointing , 1994 .

[180]  R. Malaney,et al.  Flare Production of 6Li in Population II Stars , 1994, astro-ph/9405053.

[181]  John R. Stauffer,et al.  A deep imaging survey of the Pleiades with ROSAT , 1994 .

[182]  M. Giampapa,et al.  Lithium in RS Canum Venaticorum binaries and related chromospherically active stars. III: Northern RS CVn systems , 1994 .

[183]  John R. Stauffer,et al.  ROSAT X-ray luminosity functions of the Hyades dK and dM stars , 1994 .

[184]  J. Schmitt ROSAT observations of stellar flares , 1994 .

[185]  A. Dupree,et al.  The extreme ultraviolet spectrum of Alpha Aurigae (Capella) , 1993 .

[186]  J. H. M. M. Schmitt,et al.  A Spatially Resolved X-ray Image of a Star Like the Sun , 1993, Science.

[187]  E. Feigelson,et al.  ROSAT X-Ray Study of the Chamaeleon I Dark Cloud. I. The Stellar Population , 1993 .

[188]  F. R. Harnden,et al.  X-ray emission at the low-mass end - Results from an extensive Einstein Observatory survey , 1993 .

[189]  O. Siegmund,et al.  Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Deep Survey Observations of a Large Flare on AU Microscopii , 1993 .

[190]  John R. Stauffer,et al.  The evolution of the lithium abundances of solar-type stars. III - The Pleiades , 1993 .

[191]  John R. Stauffer,et al.  The Evolution of the Lithium Abundances of Solar-Type Stars. IV. Praesepe , 1993 .

[192]  John R. Stauffer,et al.  ROSAT all-sky X-ray survey of the core region of the Pleiades cluster. , 1993 .

[193]  J. Linsky,et al.  The ROSAT All-Sky Survey of active binary coronae. II - Coronal temperatures of the RS Canum Venaticorum systems , 1993 .

[194]  F. Favata,et al.  Stellar Birthrate in the Galaxy: Constraints from X-Ray Flux-limited Surveys , 1993 .


[196]  F. Fekel,et al.  A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (second edition) , 1993 .

[197]  R. Gratton,et al.  Lithium in RS CVn binaries and related chromospherically active stars. II: Spectrum synthesis analysis , 1993 .

[198]  J. Linsky,et al.  The ROSAT All-Sky Survey of active binary coronae. I - Quiescent fluxes for the RS Canum Venaticorum systems , 1993 .

[199]  I. Roxburgh,et al.  On the generation of the large-scale and turbulent magnetic fields in solar-type stars , 1993 .

[200]  Brian R. Dennis,et al.  Frequency distributions and correlations of solar X-ray flare parameters , 1993 .

[201]  F. Fekel,et al.  Lithium and rapid rotation in chromospherically active single giants , 1993 .

[202]  M. Siarkowski Three-dimensional deconvolution of X-ray emission from AR Lac , 1992 .

[203]  S. Tsuneta,et al.  Ginga observations of X-ray flares on Algol , 1992 .

[204]  S. Hodgkin,et al.  First Results from ROSAT All-Sky Survey Observations of the Hyades Cluster , 1992 .

[205]  H. Hudson,et al.  White-light flares observed by Yohkoh , 1992 .

[206]  U. Feldman Elemental abundances in the upper solar atmosphere , 1992 .

[207]  R. Redman,et al.  Limits on detectability of mass loss from cool dwarfs , 1992 .

[208]  P. Charbonneau,et al.  Angular momentum transport in magnetized stellar radiative zones. I: Numerical solutions to the core spin-up model problem , 1992 .

[209]  F. Favata,et al.  The stellar coronal component of the Galaxy. I. The X-COUNT numerical model. , 1992 .

[210]  S. Bowyer,et al.  Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy , 1991 .

[211]  H. Hudson Solar flares, microflares, nanoflares, and coronal heating , 1991 .

[212]  F. Walter,et al.  Star Formation in Taurus-Auriga: The High-Mass Stars , 1991 .

[213]  F. R. Harnden,et al.  Einstein Observatory coronal temperatures of late-type stars , 1990 .

[214]  R. Schild,et al.  The Einstein Observatory Extended Medium-Sensitivity Survey. I - X-ray data and analysis , 1990 .

[215]  F. R. Harnden,et al.  X-ray studies of coeval star samples. III. X-ray emission in the Ursa Major stream , 1990 .

[216]  J. Bouvier Rotation in T Tauri Stars. II. Clues for Magnetic Activity , 1990 .

[217]  L. Stella,et al.  X-ray emission from solar neighbourhood flare stars: a comprehensive survey of EXOSAT results , 1990 .

[218]  K. Horne,et al.  X-ray eclipse mapping of AR Lacertae , 1990 .

[219]  F. R. Harnden,et al.  X-ray studies of coeval star samples. II - The Pleiades cluster as observed with the Einstein Observatory , 1990 .

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