The Colonization Process of Algal Epiphytes on Ruppia maritima L.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine colonization of algal epiphytes on Ruppia maritima L. and on polyethylene strips in the estuary of the Patos Lagoon, Brazil. Ini t ia l colonization of Cm-concix plucentula Ehr. on R. maritima was due to its morphology, mucus liberation and dominance in the edaphic community and a result of the basal growth of the host plant leaves. A secondary, upright adhesion of Synedra fasciculata (Ag.) Kiitz. by terminal jelly pads formed three-dimensional colonies with climax species of the genera Navicula and Nitzschia imbedded in the mucus-detritus crust and Melosira and Biddidphia adher ing to mucus strands.