중국인 유학생의 한국어 글쓰기에 나타난 오류 유형
Based on the discussion so far, this study analyzed errors in the writings of Chinese Learners. In Korean writing, learners who use Chinese as their mother tongue commit errors in many areas, and it can be summed up as follows. First, they produced many errors in the part where Korean shows features as affixing language such as postpositions and endings. The primary reason of this is that learners using as their mother tongue Chinese which has no features of affixing language as isolating language are not good at using postpositions or endings. Secondly, they also show syntactic errors such as omitting a sentence constituent, making a wrong modification, or using a passive expression wrongly. This error may be because the word order is different between Korea and Chinese and the Korean passive and Chinese passive are also different in some way. Thirdly, there is an error related with marking. It is an error in choosing or inflecting a word or marking a word for pronunciation. This paper’s trial to classify Chinese learners’ writing errors is very partial, and it needs to be more specialized; this is the limitation of this discussion. However, this kind of trial can be used as a helpful educational material to improve the writings of Chinese students studying in Korea who are increasing day after day.